Tallinna Fotokuu 2013


18. oktoober 2013: Olevikuhetke rehabiliteerimine
Art critic Kadri Veermäe reviews Tallinn Photomonth’s international exhibition Shadows of a Doubt in Estonian culture weekly Sirp.

15. oktoober 2013: Non-photography exhibition “Shadows of a Doubt”. An interview with curator Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk
Annika Toots in conversation with curator Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk at Arterritory.com – an art, design and culture website that focuses on Scandinavian, Baltic and Russian art.

14 October 2013: Tallinn Photomonth at Kunstiministeerium
The public radio station Klassikaraadio focuses on Tallinn Photomonth in the weekly art programme Kunstiministeerium (Ministry of Art).

13 October 2013: Anneli Porri ringkäik näitusel “Kus lõped sina, algan mina”.
Art portal Artishok has recorded the curator’s tour that took place on the opening day of the exhibition Where You End, I Begin.

11 October 2013: Tundlik vahetsoon
Reet Varblane reviews Tallinn Photomont’s exhibition “Where You End, I Begin” in the Estonian culture newspaper Sirp.

11 October 2013: Praegusele ajale tuleb leida oma märgistus
Front page story in the Estonian culture newspaper Sirp. Kristel Raesaar, Artistic Director of Tallinn Photomonth, in conversation with curator Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk.

9 October 2013: Uskuge: maailm ei ole mustvalge!
The first review of Shadows of a Doubt! Written by Riin Kübarsepp and published in TallinnCity.

8 October 2013: OP!
An overview of Tallinn Photomonth’s exhibition Shadows of a Doubt in OP!, the culture programme in Estonian Public Television. Interviews with Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo (member of the Board of Union of Photography Artists, Estonia; curator Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk and artist David Raymond Conroy.

1 October 2013: Tallinna Kunstihoonesse laskusid “Kahtluse varjud”
An interview with Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk, curator of Tallinn Photomonth’s exhibition Shadows of a Doubt, in the culture news of Estonian Public Television.

21 September 2013: A preview of Tallinn Photomonth in the online edition of Müürileht – Algamas on teine Tallinna Fotokuu

September 2013: Tallinn Photomonth special in the autumn issue of the Estonian photography magazine “Positiiv