Tallinna Teisipäev ja fotokuu eritrükise esitlus täna
Täna kell 15 leiab Tallinna Kunstihoones aset USA kuraatori Sam Barzilay loeng ja Tallinna Fotokuu 2013 trükiste-karbi esitlus. Karbi tiraazh on vaid 300 ning seda saab esitluselt osta soodushinnaga 13 eur (tavahind 15 eur). Sündmuse raames saab fotokuu rahvusvahelist kuraatorinäitust Kahtluse varjud täna kell 14 – 15 külastada tasuta!
Loeng ja trükistekarbi esitlus on alguspunktiks Tallinna Teisipäevale, mis seekord koostöös fotokuuga keskendub just fotokunstile. Legendaarse Jaak Klõsheiko fotonäituse avamine, fotokunstnik Krista Mölderi näituse avamine, projektiruum Rundum, raamatupood Lugemik ja pidu Vaal galeriis, kus avatud Peeter Lauritsa näitus – kõik ühe õhtuga!
LAST CHANCE: Tallinn Photomonth’s exhibition in Tartu ends on Sunday
This Saturday and Sunday visitors have the last chance to view a selection of contemporary Estonian photographic art at Tartu Art House. The exhibition Where You End, I Begin runs until the evening of Sunday 20 October.
Exhibition walk through with curator Anneli Porri and gallerist Indrek Grigor
At the opening of Where You End, I Begin, curator Anneli Porri led the viewers through the exhibition in conversation with gallerist Indrek Grigor. The conversation (in Estonian) can be viewed at the independent art critique portal Artishok as well as right here.
Public lecture on time in physics and photography tonight at Tallinn Art Hall
On 11 October at 6pm Tallinn Photomonth will present a public lecture by professor Jaak Kikas, entitled “On time – in Physics and in Photography”. The lecture will take place at Tallinn Art Hall and is part of the public programme of Shadows of a Doubt, the international exhibition of Tallinn Photomonth.
Along with space, time is one of the central cateogries which shapes our perception of the world. Photography is often thought of as “frozen time”, but the notion of time itself has undergone huge changes since Newton. In the secondary world created by photography – image world – the viewer acquires something that would be unimaginable in the “real” world – the ability to timetravel. The presentation will explore the similarities in and differences between physical and photographic time. Possible developments will be speculated upon.
The lecture will be broadcast on Estonian Public Broadcasting’s Vikerraadio.
New exhibitions: Paul Kuimet at Kumu and Peeter Laurits at Vaal
This week, two new exhibitions recommended by Photomonth open in Tallinn. On Wednesday 9 October at 6pm, Paul Kuimet’s Notes on Space will open at Kumu Art Museum. The exhibition will run until 5 January 2014.
On Thursday 10 October at 6pm Logos & Mythos, an exhibition by Peeter Laurits will open at Vaal Gallery. The exhibition can be viewed until 9 November.
Rundum’s satellite programme for Tallinn Photomonth will take off tomorrow
The new creative platform Rundum has devised a satellite programme responding to the themes and issues of Tallinn Photomonth 2013. Tomorrow, 7 October at 6pm there will be a discussion on how the meaning of original and copy, real and fake has shifted. The starting point for the discussion is Oliver Laric’s vork Versions (2009 – 2012), currently on view at Shadows of a Doubt at Tallinn Art Hall. See more.
David Raymond Conroy’s lecture-performance tonight at Tallinn Art Hall!
Artist David Raymond Conroy examines how our experiences of images, from online advertising to Hollywood cinema, affect our interactions with objects and each other. How do these experiences become indistinguishable from what we used to imagine was the real world?
The event will be held in English and will start at 6pm this evening at Tallinn Art Hall.
David Raymond Conroy (1978) lives and works in London. His solo exhibition at Modern Art Oxford (Oxford) ran from 30 July to 08 September 2013. Conroy is represented by Seventeen Gallery.
Shadows of a Doubt, the international exhibition of Tallinn Photomonth, includes Conroy’s installation Hauling/ It’s not the past but the present that determines the future/ Act Natural. The exhibition will run from 2 – 27 October 2013.
The event is kindly supported by The British Council.
Curator’s lecture at Tartu Art House tonight
As part of the public programme of the exhibition at Tartu Art House, curator Anneli Porri explores contemporary Estonian photographic art. The exhibition Where You End, I Begin will run until 20 October.
Rundum Project Space Takes off
On Thursday 26 September young Estonian artists will open a new project space at the “Sleeping Beauty Castle” in Tallinn old town, 19 Uus Street. The artist initiative is led by Kulla Laas, Mari-Leen Kiipli, Aap Tepper, Mari Volens and Kristina Õllek – all currently studying for their Masters degree at the photography department of the Estonian Academy of Arts.
Rundum welcomes visitors to their opening night this coming Thursday from 6pm and to the afterparty at Paar Veini from 10pm.
A Little Opening Reception of Tallinn Photomonth 2013
We can’t wait until the end of the week, so we decided to open Tallinn Photomonth 2013 on Monday, 23 September!
Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerekerk, the curator of the festival’s international exhibition, will introduce The Office for Curating, its recent and ongoing activities, aims, and the ideologies embedded within its curating and writing practices. The event is organised by Rebeka Põldsam at the Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia (CCAE).
The conversation starts at 4pm, is held in English and is followed by a drinks reception. Everyone is welcome!
Address: Tallinn, Vabaduse väljak 6
The Progress of Images at Kumu
The Progress of Images, an exhibition focusing on the history of photography opens at Kumu Art Museum tomorrow, 20 September. Curated by Tiina Abel, the exhibition explores how the invention of photography influenced other art media, and how, in turn, photographers found inspiration in the traditions of painting. The exhibition will remain open until 12 January 2014.
The second Tallinn Photomonth takes place in October 2013
Organised by the Union of Photography Artists of Estonia (Foku), the second Tallinn Photomonth will take place from 27 September to 27 October 2013. The international festival focuses on photography in the context of contemporary art and encourages to critically analyse the visual culture embedded in our daily lives.
The festival aims to bring to the local public high profile exhibitions and events, introduce Estonian artists to international curators and critics and contribute to the development of contemporary art market in Estonia.
The main programme of the festival includes the international group exhibition Shadows of a Doubt at Tallinn Art Hall, bringing together 17 artists dealing with the conditions of the present moment. The exhibition Where You End, I Begin at Tartu Art House focuses on the recent developments in Estonian lens-based art from 1992 to 2013. The Photographic Art Fair at Telliskivi Loomelinnak offers a selection of the best recent works by Estonian artists working with photography. The exhibitions and the fair serve as a platform for a series of lectures, discussions, workshops and public events.